In the case that your monologue is too short and you need to complete it in order to speak for 2-3 minutes, here are some strategies that you can use.

You can use an introduction like this (or shorter):
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Mike, I live in Icod, I’ve been preparing this test for a long time and I’ve been studying English since I was at school. However, right now I’m terribly nervous, so, therefore, if I make any mistakes, sorry, I apologise in advance. Ok, wish me luck. Here we go.

Then you can use strategies to expand your ideas like these:
So, the question is: “Are you a spender or a saver?” ... repeat the question
Well, it’s not easy for me to answer this question, let me think…gain some time
Actually, I had never thought of this before…
By the way, the other day ... use a personal anecdote
Personally, I disagree with the idea that ... use a personal opinion

You can use a conclusion like this:
So, to sum up, as I said before, in conclusion, I am a spender. As I mentioned before, I adore shopping.

And finally an ending like this:
Well, that’s it. I hope you have liked it, and I hope I have passed the test!
Thank you for your attention!

IMPORTANT: use these strategies with moderation.


You'll have to write two texts of around 120-150 words each. These are the possible topics:
- What is your opinion about men and women stereotypes?
- Fast food is always unhealthy. Cheap restaurants always serve bad food. What is your opinion about this, do you agree?
- Are you a spender or a saver? What would you do if you won the lottery?
- What do you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- How would you describe yourself? And your family?
- What did you do during the last Christmas holidays? What have you decided for your New Year's resolutions? And for your bucket list?

You'll have specific instructions on the cards.
Preparation time: 2 minutes. You can write notes and use them.

Presentation time: 2-3 minutes

CARD 1-Do you like fast food? How often do you eat ready-made food? How often do you go shopping?

CARD 2-What is your opinion about men and women stereotypes? Are men better cooks than women?

CARD 3-Are you a spender or a saver? What don't you like about shopping? What would you do if you won the lottery? 

CARD 4-How would you describe yourself? And your family? What do you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend? 

CARD 5-What did you do during the last Christmas holidays? What have you decided for your New Year's resolutions?And for your bucket list?

You'll have specific instructions on the cards.
Preparation time: 2 minutes. You can write notes and use them.
Presentation time: 3-4 minutes

CARDS 1 and 2. Let's eat out! Make plans to go to a restaurant. 
   There will be two different sets of cards, with variations to propose, refuse and accept a specific restaurant and a specific time.

CARDS 3, 4. Giving opinions and debating:
    Card 3 Stereotypes: Men are better cooks than women. Women spend their money on clothes. Men spend their money on technology. 

    Card 4 Food: Fast food is always unhealthy. Cheap restaurants always serve bad food. Eating meat is a crime.

CARDS 5 and 6. Shopping. Dialogue in a shop:
   There will be two different cards. with variations to buy clothes or technology, to pay with cash or by credit card, etc.